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Victorian Bar says claims of consultation over pandemic bill a ‘gross misrepresentation’
COVID-19 2021-10-27 9:54 pm By Christine Caulfield

The president of the peak body for barristers in Victorian has slammed the Andrews government’s proposed pandemic laws as “appalling”, and says claims that the bar association was consulted were not true.

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High Court judgment sparks concern for isolated judges
Courts 2021-10-14 9:04 pm By Bianca Hrovat

A recent High Court ruling that condemned communication between trial judges and barristers outside of court could have dire consequences, including further isolation for members of the bench, experts warn.

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Government can’t dodge sovereign bonds climate change class action
Climate change 2021-10-11 2:49 pm By Bianca Hrovat

A climate change activist can continue her lawsuit alleging the federal government failed to disclose the impact of climate change to investors in sovereign bonds, with a court rejecting the Commonwealth’s strike-out application.

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‘A clear and alarming trend’: Litigation funding group slams latest class action reforms
Class Actions 2021-10-08 3:07 pm By Miklos Bolza

The International Legal Finance Association has slammed the Morrison government’s proposed class action reforms, saying Australians were “systematically being stripped of their ability” to obtain relief through class actions by a “wish list of procedural hurdles” that would make the lawsuits unviable.

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‘Awkward’ reforms spell end to open class actions, barristers say
Class Actions 2021-10-07 11:08 pm By Miklos Bolza

Class action reforms proposed last week by the Morrison government would lead to the “rapid abandonment” of open class actions by law firms and litigation funders, two leading barristers have argued.

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‘The line was crossed’: Challengers to COVID-19 vaccine mandate claim human rights abuses
COVID-19 2021-10-01 9:14 pm By Bianca Hrovat

Individuals challenging public health orders mandating COVID-19 vaccinations for certain workers in New South Wales have told a court “the line was crossed” when the state government threatened their livelihoods.

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New class action bill is ‘sabotage not reform’, lawyers say
Class Actions 2021-09-30 5:30 pm By Christine Caulfield

Law firms have railed against proposed legislation to ensure group members receive 70 per cent of any recoveries from class actions, saying the reforms were designed to “cripple” group proceedings.

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Bill caps class action returns to funders, lawyers at 30%
Class Actions 2021-09-30 12:17 pm By Miklos Bolza

The Morrison government has released draft legislation claimed to “promote a fair and reasonable distribution of class action proceeds” that includes a proposed 30 per cent cap on the amount funders and lawyers can recoup.

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Legal challenges to COVID-19 vaccinations enter ‘third wave’, court hears
COVID-19 2021-09-17 3:32 pm By Bianca Hrovat

Legal challenges to the New South Wales Health Minister’s orders mandating COVID-19 vaccinations for certain workers have already entered a third wave and cannot all be heard together, a court has heard.

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Judge finds NSW environmental regulator has ‘duty’ to address climate change
Climate change 2021-08-26 10:15 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The NSW Environment Protection Authority must develop policies to protect the environment from the threat of climate change, a judge has found in a significant victory for climate advocates.

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