The Northern Territory government is fighting a false imprisonment and wrongful death class action by the family of an Indigenous woman who died at a COVID-19 quarantine facility.
A bid by Victorian Liberal MP David Davis for documents on the state’s hotel quarantine program has largely failed, with a tribunal finding their release could prejudice an ongoing class action.
Legal fees will eat up more than half of a $3.5 million settlement reached in a class action over deaths at a NSW aged care facility during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Law firm Gordon Legal has filed appeals after a judge ordered the declassing of several proceedings over COVID-19 business interruption losses.
Commercial tenants of Quest Dockland’s Bourke Street apartment complex have filed proceedings against 45 landlords, claiming their requests for rent relief during the COVID-19 pandemic were ignored.
A class action over deaths allegedly caused by negligent care at a NSW aged care facility during COVID-19 has settled.
The Queensland government is facing a class action by police officers and staff who faced disciplinary action for refusing to get the COVID-19 vaccine or were vaccinated under protest following a court decision. The class action, funded by billionaire Clive Palmer and run by Alexander Law, was filed in the Supreme Court of Queensland last…
A vaccine developer cannot prevent Flinders University from blocking his access to a research lab and interfering with the supply of mice for research relating to COVID-19 and other diseases.
Four proceedings over COVID-19 business interruption losses will be stripped of class action status, with a judge saying most of the common issues were already determined in test cases.
The top judge in Victoria who steered the Supreme Court through the COVID-19 pandemic is stepping down after 14 years on the bench.