Staff members who worked for two Melbourne aged care providers will be removed as group members in class actions accusing the homes of negligently handling the coronavirus pandemic.
A judge has partially struck out mining magnate Clive Palmer’s defence to WA Premier Mark McGowan’s defamation claim over statements which allegedly accused the premier of corruption, abusing his position and lying about the decision to close the state’s borders at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic last year.
Australian regenerative medicine company Mesoblast faces a shareholder class action over disclosures related to its Remestemcel-L treatment for COVID-19 complications.
A shuttered upmarket cocktail bar in Sydney is seeking damages from its former landlord after the termination of its lease agreement during the COVID-19 pandemic forced it to close less than a year after opening its doors.
A judge will hear arguments by suspended lawyer Serene Teffaha, who filed a class action against the state over lockdown restrictions, over whether her clients can be made to supply their details to a Hall & Wilcox lawyer who was appointed to take over her firm.
Australian investment management group Fortius Funds Management has taken retail giant The Just Group to court seeking millions of dollars in allegedly unpaid rent for four stores in Sydney’s MidCity Shopping Centre.
The lawyer who filed a class action against the state of Victoria on behalf of residents in public housing towers who were locked down during the state’s second COVID-19 wave has had her licence suspended, raising questions about the fate of the class action.
Insurance giant QBE Insurance Australia has launched a COVID-19 business interruption test case in the Federal Court, following a landmark loss for insurers in the NSW Court of Appeal that could cost them $10 billion.
A judge has ordered ASIC to provide more detail in its case accusing personal lender ClearLoans of contravening the hardship provisions of the credit laws, in the regulator’s first case related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Victorian Government has been hit with a class action filed by residents of nine public housing towers who were locked down for two weeks at the start of the state’s second COVID-19 wave in July last year.