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Protester’s challenge to COVID-19 lockdown fails on appeal
Appeals 2023-02-13 12:57 pm By Cindy Cameronne

An anti-lockdown protester has lost her appeal of a decision dismissing her legal challenge to Victoria’s stay-at-home orders, with an appeals court finding the reduction in risk to public health “outweighed” impacts on freedom of speech.

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Nursing home in COVID-19 class action asked to hand over insurance info
Class Actions 2023-02-06 10:29 am By Cindy Cameronne

A class action against a Victorian aged care home over alleged major failures during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic has asked the facility to hand over insurance information and evidence of its financial position. 

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COVID-19 hotel quarantine class action defeats state’s bid for stay
Class Actions 2023-02-03 3:28 pm By Sam Matthews

A class action on behalf of businesses claiming harm from the 2020 hotel quarantine debacle has staved off the state of Victoria’s bid for a stay pending a criminal action against the Department of Health.

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ClearLoans agrees to $6M penalty in ASIC’s first COVID-19 case against lender
Financial Services 2023-02-02 3:19 pm By Sam Matthews

Personal lender ClearLoans and its parent company have agreed to pay penalties of just over $6 million to settle the first COVID-19 related case brought by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.

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Qantas tells High Court it can’t be liable for thwarting ground crew’s future rights
Employment 2023-01-23 10:24 pm By Sam Matthews

Qantas was entitled to take adverse action against ground crew to stave off the possibility of future industrial action, the airline has told the High Court in an appeal of a finding that it breached the Fair Work Act when it outsourced the crew’s work during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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‘Blindsided’: DP World failed to consult workers on COVID jab mandate, says FWC
FWC 2023-01-19 2:46 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The fate of 25 unfair dismissal claims by former DP World employees hangs in the balance after the Fair Work Commission ruled that the stevedoring company failed to consult its workers about its COVID-19 vaccination policy.

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Boeing instructor who refused COVID jab was unfairly terminated: FWC
Employment 2023-01-17 10:37 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A Boeing Defence instructor who was sacked for refusing to get a COVID-19 vaccination has won an unfair dismissal case, with the Fair Work Commission finding it was “harsh and unreasonable” for Boeing to fire him while he was in the running for another role at the company.

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WA saddled with $2M legal bill from ‘futile’ defamation fight with Clive Palmer
Article 2022-12-23 4:11 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The state of Western Australia has been left with a $2 million legal bill for defending a defamation action  by billionaire Clive Palmer and advancing cross-claims on behalf of premier Mark McGowan, which a judge blasted as “a futile exercise”.

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COVID-19 hotel quarantine class action fights state’s bid for stay
Class Actions 2022-12-12 9:07 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A class action on behalf of businesses claiming harm from the 2020 hotel quarantine debacle has fought back against the state of Victoria’s bid to push the case off until a criminal action against the state’s Department of Health has been heard.

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‘Spectre’ of business interruption class actions laid to rest with test cases, insurers argue
Insurance 2022-12-06 10:26 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Insurers will file de-classing applications in four class actions on behalf of small businesses seeking coverage under business interruption policies for losses flowing from COVID-19 restrictions after their test cases largely failed. 

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