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‘If it seems creepy, it probably is’: Ex-High Court judge speaks out against sexual harassment
Business of Law 2021-02-19 4:22 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Former High Court Justice Kenneth Hayne has called out the “continuing and pervasive” issue of sexual harassment in the legal profession, urging senior lawyers to stop abusing their power. 

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High Court to weigh whether judges should socialise with barristers during a case
Legal Ethics 2021-02-17 1:29 pm By Spencer Fowler Steen

The High Court will consider whether judges should steer clear of barristers outside the court room, after a husband appealed a ruling by a judge who socialised with his wife’s lawyer during their two-year divorce trial.

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High Court grants special leave in backpacker tax case
High Court 2021-02-12 12:53 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The High Court has granted special leave to a British citizen who is locked in a dispute with the Australian Taxation Office over a 15 per cent ‘backpacker tax’ imposed on holders of Australian working holiday visas.

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With High Court leave, Arrium class action plaintiffs may get second chance to grill ex-director
Restructuring & Insolvency 2021-02-11 10:44 pm By Christine Caulfield

Two shareholders of failed Arrium Group have secured leave from the High Court to challenge a ruling that nixed their planned examination of a former director to bolster a class action over the collapse of the steel producer.

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High Court to weigh in on $26.3M Lexapro patent judgment
High Court 2021-02-11 10:43 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The High Court will decide whether the Full Court was wrong to overturn a $26.3 million judgment for Danish drug maker H Lundbeck in its long-running patent battle with generic drug maker Sandoz over the patent for blockbuster antidepressant Lexapro.

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Sacked climate skeptic professor’s dispute with James Cook heads to High Court
High Court 2021-02-11 3:59 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The High Court has granted special leave to sacked climate skeptic professor Peter Ridd to challenge James Cook University’s successful appeal of a $1.2 million judgment in his favour over his termination, wading into a debate over the power of universities to constrain professors’ rights to free speech.

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Activists notch High Court victory over expansion of Queensland coal mine
Environment 2021-02-03 9:09 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A Queensland activist group has come up trumps in a drawn-out legal battle against New Acland Coal’s proposed expansion of a coal mine, with the High Court striking down previous lower court rulings giving it the green light.

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High Court rejects Westpac’s ‘gloss’ on financial product advice statute
High Court 2021-02-03 10:51 am By Christine Caulfield

The High Court has dismissed an appeal by Westpac challenging a ruling that found the bank breached its duties to customers by providing personal financial advice as part of a telephone campaign encouraging customers to roll over external superannuation accounts.

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High Court set to deliver judgment in Westpac’s appeal of personal advice ruling
High Court 2021-01-29 3:49 pm By Miklos Bolza

The High Court will hand down its ruling Wednesday in a high-stakes case between ASIC and Westpac that is expected to clarify the line between personal and general financial advice.

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Unions take JobKeeper fight with Qantas to High Court
Employment 2021-01-13 4:46 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Three unions representing Qantas workers have asked the High Court for special leave to appeal a  ruling from the Full Federal Court siding with the airline in a dispute over the operation of the JobKeeper wage subsidy.

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