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High Court questions power to hold class action contests
Class Actions 2020-11-11 11:57 pm By Christine Caulfield

That a first filed case should be the presumptive winner in a competition between class actions seemed a losing argument before the High Court on Tuesday as the justices weighed a challenge to a ruling picking one among a group of class actions against AMP, but the court also appeared skeptical of the power to hold wide ranging inquiries into the merits of competing cases.

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High Court set to rule on patent exhaustion in ink cartridge case
High Court 2020-11-11 2:23 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The High Court will hand down its highly anticipated decision in a patent dispute between printer giant Seiko Epson and ink cartridge reseller Calidad on Thursday, a ruling expected to provide clarity on the the rights of businesses to modify patented goods.

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Class action beauty parade takes centre stage at High Court
Class Actions 2020-11-09 10:56 pm By Christine Caulfield

The eyes of class action lawyers will be on the High Court Tuesday as it hears arguments over a judge’s power to choose a single class action among competing proceedings and what, if anything, should be made of a case’s funding structure and likely returns to group members when picking a winner.

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COVID-19 lockdown challenge tossed by High Court
High Court 2020-11-06 11:39 pm By Christine Caulfield

The High Court has unanimously rejected a constitutional challenge against the Victorian government over its COVID-19 lockdown measures.

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High Court dismisses Clive Palmer’s challenge to WA’s COVID-19 border restrictions
COVID-19 2020-11-06 12:07 pm By Miklos Bolza

Billionaire Clive Palmer has lost his challenge to Western Australia’s COVID-19 border lockdown, with the High Court tossing the case after finding the state’s measures were constitutionally valid.

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Mylan fails in High Court bid to save patents for top seller Lipidil
Intellectual Property 2020-11-06 12:06 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The High Court has declined to take up Mylan’s challenge to a Full Court ruling upholding the invalidity of three patents for its blockbuster cholesterol drug Lipidil.

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New High Court judges Gleeson, Steward safe picks after secretive process
Analysis 2020-10-28 11:16 pm By Christine Caulfield

Federal Court Justices Jacqueline Gleeson and Simon Steward are safe and steady appointments to the High Court that are unlikely to disrupt the current culture of the bench and do nothing to assuage concerns about the opacity of the selection process.

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Federal Court judges Jacqueline Gleeson, Simon Steward appointed to High Court
People In The News 2020-10-28 2:01 pm By Christine Caulfield

The Morrison government has picked Federal Court Justices Simon Steward and Jacqueline Gleeson to fill the impending vacancies on the High Court.

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Victoria keeps options open in High Court lockdown challenge
COVID-19 2020-10-16 6:29 pm By Miklos Bolza

The Victorian government has not decided how it will respond to a constitutional challenge brought in the High Court against the state’s COVID-19 lockdown measures, and has been given just four more days to make its move. 

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High Court won’t review $280,000 defamation award to lawyer branded ‘Centrelink cheat’
Defamation 2020-10-15 3:03 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The High Court has declined to review $280,000 in damages awarded to a lawyer, after an appeals court found a Today Tonight segment labelling her a “Centrelink cheat” was defamatory.

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