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Shine faces battle to keep WorleyParsons class action alive
Class Actions 2019-08-29 9:30 pm By Miklos Bolza

Engineering firm WorleyParsons has told the Federal Court it will press forward with a no case application in an attempt to shut down a shareholder class action against it.

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Cryosite wins $1M settlement over legal advice behind gun-jumping case
Competition & Consumer Protection 2019-08-28 7:11 pm By Amelia Birnie

Biotech company Cryosite has agreed to a $1 million settlement for losses resulting from legal advice received in relation to a merger agreement that left the company facing $1.05 million in penalties for engaging in cartel conduct.

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Activist short seller Bonitas to face ‘unprecedented’ legal action
Securities 2019-08-28 5:10 pm By Amelia Birnie

Agricultural fund manager Rural Funds Group has briefed a top-tier law firm to bring “unprecedented” legal action against US company Bonitas Research, after the activist short seller accused the group of fraud and sent its share price plummeting.

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WorleyParsons may try to shut down class action as trial kicks off
Class Actions 2019-08-28 4:54 pm By Miklos Bolza

WorleyParsons may seek to shut down a shareholder class action against it due to an “insuperable obstacle” caused by last minute pleading amendments, the engineering firm told a court at the outset of a 21-day hearing.

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Pfizer claims Juno infringing patent for post-op painkiller
Intellectual Property 2019-08-27 10:58 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Two units of US pharmaceutical giant Pfizer have filed a lawsuit seeking damages from Juno Pharmaceuticals for allegedly infringing the patent for post-operative pain drug Dynastat.

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3A Composites challenges commonality in cladding class action
Class Actions 2019-08-27 9:10 pm By Miklos Bolza

3A Composites has slammed the pleadings in a class action against it over allegedly combustible cladding, questioning whether the stated common issues are actually common to all group members.

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Plutus conspirator had ‘high level’ role in $105M tax fraud, court told
Tax 2019-08-27 1:15 pm By Miklos Bolza

A former senior manager of Plutus Payroll played a “high level” role in a complex scheme that defrauded the Australian Taxation Office to the tune of $105 million, a court has heard, in a case involving one of the biggest revenue losses ever prosecuted.

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Court’s ‘auction’ approach in GetSwift slammed in bid to revive AMP class action
Appeals 2019-08-26 9:44 pm By Miklos Bolza

The barrister leading an appeal seeking to revive Quinn Emanuel’s fees for no service class action against AMP has criticised the approach taken in the landmark GetSwift ruling on competing class actions, saying it placed the court in the role of auctioneer and actually encouraged duplicative proceedings.

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Judge OKs $40M Sirtex settlement, rejects ‘race to the bottom’ for funding commissions
Class Actions 2019-08-26 8:53 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A judge has signed off on a $40 million settlement reached in shareholder class action against Sirtex, including a $10 million cut for the funders, saying commission rates should reflect the risks taken by funders.

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Facebook, Instagram were entitled to block Aussie startup’s access, court told
Competition & Consumer Protection 2019-08-26 3:33 pm By Christine Caulfield

Facebook and Instagram have denied allegations they breached Australia’s competition law when they terminated the accounts of a Melbourne-based startup, saying they were entitled to block the company from their platforms.

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